Sunday, April 26, 2015

Exercise # 10
Ahmed Adel Alhashmi
H00269166 - CIU
National Service
 1) A massage that is not consistent.
All people between the ages of 18 to 30 should perform their duty to their country by the national service. On the other hand there is people who can’t perform the service fully because of medical issues, they should be participating in the military with less demanding positions.

2) An argument that is not logically consistent.

Last year during the national services four people have died, because of the hard environment, and medical issues with some. This shows that this year will have four deaths too. 

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Exercise # 9
Ahmed Adel Alhashmi
H00269166 – CIU
False premises
1. Currently the production of Apple laptops have increased which means that prices of the laptops will drop.

2. If you refuel your tank fully it will give you a better mileage.

Two wrong
Every one steals from the grocery so it’s ok for me to steal.

All math teachers don’t play sports.

Identifying stereotypes
1. stereotyping that all girls like the color pink.
2. Stereotyping the all pilots are men.
3. stereotyping that British people only eat roast beef.
4. Stereotyping that all red colored haired people have anger problems.
5. Stereotyping that all Caribbean people play reggae and all Mexican people hear flamenco music.
6. Stereo typing that all football fans make trouble.
7. Stereo typing that all students don’t clean their own cloths.

8. Stereotyping that retired people don’t have interest in fashion or computers. 
Exercise # 8
Ahmed Adel Alhashmi
H00269166 - CIU
False premises:
Passage 6.14
I think its false premises, because it’s not a fact that getting wet in the rain will give you a cold. Many people will get wet in the rain but will not catch a cold.

Passage 6.15
I think its false premises, because the countryside areas are not totally free of pollution, and it’s just a general assumption.

Passage 6.16
I think its false premises, because it’s just an opinion that they have a good menu, and it’s just an assumption that they will have a full restaurant.

Passage 6.17
I think it’s a good premises and has many facts such as: producing 900 films every year, movies are distributed to audience more than ever before, and most of Indian movies viewers are home audience.

Passage 6.18

I think it’s a false premises, because it’s just an assumption that people will continue to marry at the same percent (rate). Also it’s not possible that all of people with deferent ages will get married.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Exercise # 7
Ahmed Adel Alhashmi
H00269166 – CIU
Personal Argument
Japanese cars are better than American cars in all aspects

Are Japanese cars better than American cars? This is the question that will be answered in this argument. Many people think that Japanese cars are more significant than American cars, this argument will discuss few topics in order to support this statement like durability, affordability, maintenance, and resale value.  Japanese cars are more reliable than American cars, usually American cars barely reach 200 thousand miles while Japanese cars will reach as much as 300 to 350 thousand miles, an example of that is the Toyota Corolla vs the Ford Focus. Japanese cars in general are more affordable, moreover if you pay 50 thousand dollars for a vehicle you will get more for your money with a Japanese car, you get more features and better engine options, or pay less and get similar features and engine options, an example of that is the Nissan Altima, it cost around 45 thousand dollars, and Chrysler 300c costs around 60 thousand dollars, and they have very similar features. Another topic is maintenance, Japanese car dealers have way better maintenance than American car dealers. They have longer warranty contracts that keeps the buyer away from any car problems. Moreover, the maintenance with Japanese cars after the warranty is finished is cheaper than American cars, spare parts are cheaper and can be found easily. More mechanics know how to work on Japanese cars because they are well spread. The last topic I will talk about is the resale value, Japanese cars in general have better resale value. An example of that is the Nissan petrol, buying a brand new one will cost around 165 thousand Dirhams, if you decide to sell the car after three years you might sell it for 140 thousand Dirhams. On the other hand, if you have a brand new GMC Sierra that costs around 145 thousand Dirhams. If you decided to sell it after same amount of years you will get much less, around 85 thousand Dirhams. All in all owning a Japanese car is cheaper and it will last longer, and will have a good resale value. 

Friday, March 20, 2015

Exercise # 6
The following are the basic factors of an argument:
·        A position or a point of view
·       An attempt to persuade others to accept that point of view
·        Reasons given to support that point of view.
·       Conclusion

Read the following passage and identify the following:

Main argument:
It is a potential risk to own a cat as a pet on pregnant women and on people with poor immune systems.

Reasons that support the argument:
·       Cats can carry infectious protozoa that cause disease to humans.
·       If a pregnant women becomes infected, the foetus can be infected by parasites and suffer serious congenital damage.
·       n the worst cases, infants may lose their eyesight and acquire motor deficits.
·       People with poor immune systems or AIDS protozoa can cause seizure and death.

We cannot be sure if a cat is carrying the disease, but we have to be aware that it might. And we should keep cats away from children, pregnant women and sick people.

It is important that pregnant women and those with a poor immune systems become aware of the potential risks posed by cat. Many of us keep cats as house pets without realizing the dangers they may be harboring. Cats are hosts to infectious protozoa that cause disease in mammals such as humans. Adult humans rarely showed signs of significant disease if they become infected. However, if pregnant women become infected, the foetus can become infected by parasites and suffer serious congenital damage. In the worst cases, infants may lose their eyesight and acquire motor deficits. In people with poor immune systems or AIDS protozoa can cause seizure and death. The symptoms of the disease are not evident in cats so there is no way of knowing if a particular cat is at risk.  

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Ahmed Adel Alhashmi
H00269166 – CIU
Exercise #5
Benefits of critical thinking

An example of my life is when I had my older generation laptop from HP, and decided to buy a new one to replace it. Because it was out dated and lags a lot.

1. Improved attention and observation.
So first I started observing what kinds of laptop models my friends have, and how they are used.

2. More focused reading.
Then I started gathering information about the different laptop brands, I took my information from the internet newspapers and magazines. I also focused on the different materials of the laptops.

3. Improved ability to identify the key points in a text or other massage rather than becoming distracted by less important material.
After gathering all the information, I noticed that most new laptop are either windows or mac, and most laptops don’t have CD drives to be lighter and more portable.

4.  Improved ability to respond to the appropriate point in a massage.
So after I read about each laptop and gained enough information I went to see my best choices in the shop up close.

5. Knowledge to how to get your own point across more easily.
All what I have learned from the articles was great, but what I really needed was a laptop that is thin light and portable for every day usage and easy to carry it around. So I asked about this features in the shop, and I also asked about the prices and the grantee.

6.  Skills to analysis that you can choses to apply in a variety to situations.

After all I was between two laptops: Samsung, and Lenovo. The laptop that I chose was Lenovo, because it had all the features I needed, and was a bit cheaper too.
Ahmed Adel Alhashmi
H00269166 – CIU
Exercise #4
7 barriers to critical thinking

1. Misunderstanding what is meant by criticism.
This means that some people don’t understand or are against criticism for the wrong reason, thinking that criticism is a negative statement, while criticism is actually a statement said by some one that can show the mistakes in a specific area to improve on it. For example: My friend showed me his final writing in (academic reading and writing), so I commented on his work and I said that his writing is not very clear. My friend took it from a negative way and thought I was just criticizing for no reason.

2. Lack of methods and strategies.
Lack of ways and strategies can put you in great problems in the future, having clear methods and strategies to follow will you help you in your life and in your studies. For example:  following a specific ways of studying and having a clear strategy will help you achieve your goal and graduate with a high grade, otherwise if not you might not succeed in achieving your goals.  

3. Lack of practice.
Lack of practice can make you forget how to do certain things, it can also decrease your productivity. For example: if you practice enough you will join the team, but if not you might not be fit enough and you will be excluded out of the team.

4. Reluctance to criticize those with more expertise.
This means when a person with a lower degree or experience finds a mistake on a higher level or degree manger, officer, doctor. Etc.…… and keeps quiet thinking that a higher degree person would be offended. For example: When the math teacher did a clear mistake the student kept quiet so the teacher doesn't be upset or embarrassed.  

5. Affective reasons.
Emotions can affect a person while trying to think critically, a person while thinking in a critical way, should not be biost for his opinion, he should keep emotions away. For example: If you disagree with some on the best movie of all time, when you gave critical reasons for why the movie you choose is best, the other person just is staying on his choice because of his emotions and opinion.

6. Mistaking information for understanding.
It means when a person just wants to take the information without learning how.  For example: It’s like when you give some the home work to do it for you, he will give the answers but you will not understand fully.

7. Inefficient focus and attention to detail.

This means the less you focus on details the less critical your criticism will be. The more you focus and have a good attention on details the better your critical thinking will be on the specific subject, and the better your argument will be. For example: After reading the story more than once you will have a better critical thinking point on the story.